Thursday, 26 December 2013

Work in Progress

After the release of our first Lisboa section, work is still progressing. There won't be any more releases before 2014, but expect an update real soon after the new year has begun.

Happy 2014!

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

December Update

Hello Everyone,

We have added a page with all the download links for our project files. Make sure you read the instructions on how to install the scenery, it's pretty straightforward and hardly complex.

Meanwhile we decided to bring you a small update on how things are progressing. In the picture below, you can see what has already been done. Please note that some sections haven't been released yet, these are part of the next update.

This other picture shows what lies ahead. The smaller and darker red line in the bottom is what's missing until we release the next update. This will be called 'Lisboa Section I' and should have around 4 parts. The other two larger lines above will be part of section II and should take about a month to be released AFTER section I is out. After Lisboa, progress should be quicker as we don't have as much water (large lakes, dams, etc) to work on. Stay tuned for more updates!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Welcome to PTSCeneries


We decided to create this simple blog in order to keep you updated with our progress and simplify the access to the files, since Facebook can be a mess sometimes and links easily get lost.

Updates soon with complete links updated here as well.